About Me

Molly and Milo - Two mischievous, but very cute, Manchester moggies. Someone abandoned them with their mum and other sister in a cardboard box somewhere in Eccles. Bastards! They're now 4 months old and wreak havoc upon our house. But they're so cute it's difficult to tell them off! Well, that is until they tread in their own shit and trample it all over the house!

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Sleepy Wittens

Does Molly mind your head being there Milo?

This is by far my favourite...


The Note

I came downstairs this morning to this...

That is pretty nasty...

But she's so cute!

Monday, 30 July 2012

Sleepy Molly

Nearly squished the cat again!

   So cute! Silly thing...

Spot The Cats


Boo. Now it's your turn to count and my turn to hide.

Words cannot describe how tempting it was to run up and leap onto the cushions.

Milo - Washing

Gnaw gnaw gnaw gnaw...


Sunday, 29 July 2012


Happy accidents! I do love them...
I just shoved the camera down the back of the sofa and this is the result!

Overwhelming Cuteness!



Cute little paddy paw! (Molly)

Molly washing Milo's tail there... Or attacking it. Either way!


Jesus Christ Milo!!!

Molly looks like a Kiss fan!

Jump Milo!

Well it wasn't exactly graceful...

But he made it this time! Not that Molly cares.

Welcome, Molly and Milo!

We adopted Molly and Milo on Tuesday 24th July 2012.

At first they were very shy and were reluctant to receive any attention. They took residence under the table in a cardboard box (not in the £25 pet bed we bought, oh no!) And eventually after gaining a little confidence, they camp under the sofa. So here they are...

Milo is on the left with the cute little white face. Molly, on the right with the cute little brown face. Yes, very sweet...
We've had them less than a week and their little personalities are shining through already! Milo is the more affectionate, confident, and seemingly stupid. Molly is still wary, but is a true little wildy beastie! Milo will play with bits of string, scrunched up paper, and annoying dangly feathery bird things with bells on. Molly will hunt them down and kill them. She especially enjoys stalking her brother and biting his tail when he's not looking.
Yes, they are cute. Yes, they are seemingly innocent. But they are certainly not to be trusted.
Let's take a look at just one example of mischief caused by one of these beasties...

Look at it! Just look at it! Milo decided that the plant looked tasty, and so dragged the poor innocent thing onto the floor. What has this plant ever done to anyone!? Why, Milo!? WHY!?

Ehem... this unfortunately, is not the muckiest of incidents. Oh no. Both kittens have developed a habit of standing in their own shit and treading it about the kitchen. Vile. Just vile.
But still, look how cuuuuute!!!

